Wednesday 2 October 2013

They're all so beautiful.

This was the reason it took us 20 minutes longer than usual to leave the house this morning.

Picture Miss 5, seated in front of her set of drawers, the drawers in which her shoes reside.

I had previously asked her to put on her shoes and socks so we could go, whereupon she departed towards her bedroom and was not seen again until I explored, having achieved no response to my repeated cries of her name.

I saw her. Sitting. She turned to me, and with a look of almost confusion in her eyes she said "I just can't decide. They're all so beautiful."

So because my darling daughter has obviously got too many shoes, and beautiful ones at that, it is near impossible for her to actually put any of these shoes on, for she simply cannot decide between them all.

Oh. My. Imagine what she will be like as a teenager.

So we eventually got out of the house. Master 3 was fine until we got to his room at daycare whereupon he did his famous impersonation of a banshee as I rushed the other two out so he didn't have to extend the goodbye any longer than was absolutely necessary. Miss 4 happily skipped off to show the teacher her hair (I had sprayed all their hair with glitter hair spray this morning.... why? Because who doesn't need a bit of sparkle in their life every now and then).

And then it was time to drop off Miss 5. No. Incidents. All good.

A visit to pick up a wall organiser (and my won't that be handy), a very relaxing visit with a friend and lovely cup of a coffee to boot, then off to run a few more errands. I stopped in at home briefly, I forget why, but I went inside, then came out again to check the mail, whereupon I stumbled (not literally) across my 83 year old neighbour with a dog walking along beside her. I asked if the dog was hers and she said "No, I thought it may have been yours". "Oh mine is a LOT bigger than that" I said (and immediately thought how ridiculous that sounded).

So we chatted for a bit, small talk about this that and the other, and off I went back inside. And there was the dog. In my house. Fabulous.

It was a nice little dog. No collar sadly, but a friendly little creature. So I shooed him out and said my goodbyes, closed the door and watched him toddle off down the driveway through the window, hoping he would be okay and find his way home.

The rest of the day went along swimmingly, many errands were run, and much was achieved, although there still remained unfinished business by the time it was pick up children o'clock. As is always the way.

So I picked them all up, we came home, and I started getting dinner ready. Chicken, vegies, easy peasy.

Sitting at the table I told Master 3 to stop wriggling around on his chair, had a chat to Miss 4 about nothing in particular, told Master 3 to stop moving around so much on his chair or he would fall, asked Miss 5 about her day, repeated to Master 3 that he would hurt himself if he wasn't careful, got seconds for Miss 4, told Master 3 to sit still and eat his dinner, got seconds for Miss 5, and then watched as Master 3 slipped off his seat, grabbing madly for something to steady him, at which time his head hit the table, around the level of his chin, and slightly to the side.

He became a little upset at this point.

And so I cuddled him. A lot. Because that's what mums do, even when they know that if the child had have simply listened, then this would never have happened.....

So eventually he settled, and sat back down at his seat.

It would have been 6, maybe 7 minutes later when he started wriggling around again, as per prior to the great face smashing incident of earlier.

And so I reminded him that last time he did that he fell off his seat.

Oh no. He didn't. Apparently. "I caught myself" he said. Rightio. Caught himself. With the table. By his head. Whatever floats your boat little man.

And so it is only three more sleeps until I'm having a bit of a do for my 40th. Not a massive do. But a do nonetheless.

And the theme?


Because who doesn't need a bit of sparkle in their life every now and then......

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