Friday 11 October 2013

I have come to the conclusion

that we can never go anywhere quickly. Except of course for the hospital. Can get there in record time if the situation presents itself. And it has. Numerous times in fact.

The more children you have, the later you will be. So you set yourself an early goal so that even if you are late by your early goal you are still on time by the actual goal. Clear as mud?

I have the microwave clock set 17 minutes fast. I know. Insanity. BUT it works. It is a visual cue that makes me think "holy crap better get a wriggle on." I'm not sure it actually changes or helps anything but I do it nonetheless. Actually that's interesting. I might try not doing it and see what happens..... I'll let you know.....

But there are several things that will slow you down when you have three small ones. I'll let you in on just a few.

Just as you are about to leave, one will need to go to the toilet.

Just as you are about to leave, one will decide that this is the perfect opportunity to try out their slow motion actions that they learned from a segment on Play School the other day.

Just as you are about to leave, one will throw spiderman at another's head.

Just as you are about to leave, one, as previously discussed, will tip water all over themselves.

Just as you are about to leave, one will remove his shoes and pants because he doesn't want those ones anymore.

Just as you are about to leave, one will lie down on the floor and roll themselves up in a towel because they want to "be an easter egg". And no, I have no idea what that meant, but Miss 5 seemed to think it was apt this morning.

Just as you are about to leave, one will plonk themselves on the sofa and say "I a sorsted mummy". Exhausted. Yes. Probably because you got up before bakers.

So there are a few things you may have to look forward to if you still have babies. Once they start "doing" stuff it gets even more cumbersome than the whole nappy bag thing. Cos you have the nappy bag PLUS all those wonderful added extras. Sensational.

Now as you know I am a single mother. Which means at times the kidlets are left to fend for themselves, me still at home obviously but occupied doing other things, whether that be cleaning, cooking, or, in this case, having a shower.

The shower. As soon as I announce I am going to have a shower (usually from behind a cup of coffee) I get "I want a hug!" from everyone. So before I go to have a shower I hug everyone. "And a kiss!" So I go around and give everyone a kiss, and make my way towards the shower, where, inevitably, at least one, and usually more than one, child will follow for another hug.

I know. I'm going to the shower. It isn't like I'm leaving for a six week holiday. But it's a bit cute.

So I hop in the shower, and hear Master 3. "Are you in the shower?"


"Oh. Ok. I want a hug."

"You can't have a hug baby, I'm in the shower, I'll give you a hug when I get out."


So I start to shampoo my hair.

Master 3 is back. "What's this?"

I look out. He is holding a book. "It's a book." (Bet you didn't see that one coming)

"But how big is it?"


"Oh. Little?"

"Yes, little."

"Ok." *runs out of the bathroom screaming*. He does this often. It's as though his movement is directly related to the amount of sound coming out of his mouth. So if no sound, slow motion. Lots of sound, running like a madman. He ran. Fast.

And then it was Miss 4's turn.

"Muuuuuum. After you have your shower can you please get me dressed?"

"Of course I can baby."

"Can I wear leggings and you wear leggings too?"

"Yes baby."

*Smiles* "Can I have a kiss?" And so I lean out of the shower and give her a kiss.

"You got me wet."

"Well, I'm in the shower baby. I can't exactly avoid that. There is water pretty well everywhere."

She just looked at me. Then laughed. And walked out.

Back to it. Miss 5's turn.

"Muuuuuuum. Have you made my lunch yet?"

"No baby, I'll do it when I get out of the shower."

"Can I please have strawberries again?"

"Of course you can baby."

"Eeeeeeeeee thank you mummy!!!!!"

"You're welcome darling."

Sigh. Leave me the hell alone kids. Seriously. Five minutes. That's all I need. They didn't, it continued, for the duration of the shower. As it often does. Oh well. Tis better than the alternative. That being hearing the bloodcurdling screams as one has thrown something at another's head, or snatched something from them or, heaven forbid, blocked their view of the television or something equally as earth shattering.

Anyway. We made it through another day today. Me and the three. We got out and about, stayed in for a bit, saw some friends, and Miss 4 got stepped on by Master 3. Completely accidentally. But holy moly it looks horrific. Her thumb has swelled so much that it is solid. Like solid solid. I doubt it is broken because it still has movement, but my god it would not tickle, that's for sure.

So I dosed her up with Panadol. As you do. Because seriously. Ow. And just cuddled her. A lot. Poor baby. I just hate when my babies get hurt. I would rather it be me than them. In a heartbeat.

Thing is, much as we want to protect our babies, there is only so much we can do. Innocent little accidents such as this are an unavoidable part of life. We can, and should, protect them from any external nasty though. That goes without saying. Once I had my kids I no longer was the most important person in my life - they are. And there is nothing on this planet that could change that. And I don't want it to. Ever.

And so even though I get frustrated at Miss 4 coming into bed with me nearly every night, tonight as I was tucking her in, I said to her that if her thumb started hurting too much, to just come in with me and I'll cuddle it better. And she stopped the little whimpering she had been doing, thumb raised in the air, turned over, I kissed her forehead, told her I loved her very very much and she went to sleep.

I then kissed Miss 5 and told her I loved her very very much too, then went in to see Master 3 who was impersonating the bleating sheep again. And I did something I haven't done for a long time. I picked him up, cuddled him, and then started patting him on his back and rocking, like I used to do when he was little.

And I held him tightly but not too tight, just patting his little back and holding him. And I felt emotional. He is the last of my babies and pretty soon he will be too big for me to do that. And as I felt him nestle in, I was taken back to so many nights in the past, settling him, listening to his breathing change.

And then he fell asleep. And I didn't let go. I just kept holding him and patting him.

Some minutes later I laid him on his pillow, pulled the doona up, and walked out to the lounge room. All my babies were asleep. And I had a beautiful moment with each of them before they fell to sleep.

And right now I am quite possibly the most blessed person on this planet.

And that, for now, is all :)

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