Thursday 17 October 2013

Mummy, come and find us...

I didn't.

I never agreed to play hide and seek with them, I had a headache, and to be honest I was really enjoying the peacefulness of them being tucked away safely under a bed.

Is that wrong?

Hell no.

I have some questions for you. Answer if you like, but predominantly I do believe they are rhetorical in nature.

Why is it that when you don't have to work it takes longer to get the kids ready than when you do?

Why is any outfit you choose for your child to wear the wrong outfit?

Why does your child request a specific breakfast cereal, days after you have finally used it because nobody actually really ate it, them professing it is their "favourite"?

Why is it a physical impossibility to get from the front door to the car without somebody discovering some supreme wrong in the molecular makeup of the world, or their brother, or sister, or schoolbag?

Why is it that the only time your 4 year old needs to go to the toilet is when your 5 year old is in there?

Why do we consistently believe things people say, when their actions don't support their words?

Why do we act in good faith on reliance upon the words of others only to be let down repeatedly?

Why do we give the benefit of the doubt?

Why does the activity performed at after school care inadequately reflect the uniform worn? For instance, sport uniform worn, clean activity done. Full summer uniform worn, hand me the paint and glue.

Why is it so important to sit in a specific seat at dinner?

Why do we look at our kids sometimes and spontaneously get tears in our eyes?

Why are there people out there who place so little importance on these amazingly wonderful little humans when by all rights they should occupy an enormous part of their heart?

Why do they no longer sell streaky bacon with the rind on? Rindless defeats the purpose.

Why does our heart go in directions our head would never, in all reality, let it go, if the head made the choices?

Why do we allow others to make us feel less than we deserve?

Why is it that I can have my 5 year old's hair looking pristine when we leave the house, and 3 minutes later when we arrive at school it is messy?

Why don't they make school uniforms out of wash n ready fabrics that don't require ironing?

Why does spray on sunscreen cost so much?

Why? Why why why.

I hear that word a lot. An awful lot. About everything. Anything. Nothing.

"What time is it?"

"11 o'clock."


There are several words that children repeat, ad nauseum, at different points throughout the day. You may be familiar with them.









It has been one of those days.

I have wine.

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