Saturday 12 October 2013

I hurt

in places I never knew existed. But I'll get to that.

A funny thing happened. I was in the bathroom and turned the tap on to see that the water wasn't going down the plug hole properly. Hmmm. Not great. So, aloud, I said "The sink is blocked; I'm going to need the plunger." And pottered around a little, basically just looking randomly for a bit, before heading out the door and to the kitchen.

What I found was Master 3, in the cupboard under the sink. I, thinking he was up to mischief, said "What are you doing in there?"

And then he popped out. With the plunger in his hand. Clever little tike.

And so we then spent the next 10 minutes 'plunging' the sink. And I say "we" because I had an audience, in a line, a line which edged ever closer each time I pushed the plunger downwards. It was a bit cute.

Anyway, it was unblocked enough to let the water go down so that was good enough for me. One of those mental notes to look for some natural alternative to Drano, and, if that can't be found, get some Drano. I really dislike using chemicals if I can avoid it. I love the bicarb and white vinegar cleaning solution and use it for heaps of things. The rest I use baby wipes. The world's most universal cleaner. House needs dusting? No problems. Grab a baby wipe. Ceiling fans need cleaning? You got it. Baby wipe. Venetian blinds a little greasy and dusty? Bring it!! Baby wipe me. Well, not literally obviously. But you get the drift. Fabulous things.

The kids do say some strange things sometimes. This morning Miss 5 was sitting eating her breakfast and then pipes up with "It's nearly my birthday!"

"Um, it isn't really nearly your birthday miss."

"Yes it is."

"Well let's see, it's October now.... November, December, January, February, March... April. Still a few months to go there."

"Yes, but it is NEARLY my birthday."

Ok. Fine. Whatever you reckon. So I'll let her be excited for 6 months. No harm done.

Master 3 came into the kitchen not 10 minutes later and said "My ankle fell off."

"Wow, it fell off?? All the way off?"

"Yes, look" *points to ankle with not even so much as a scratch on it*

"Ooooh poor baby. Are you going to be okay?"

"No." *sad face* immediately followed by "THOMAS!!!!!!" as he runs off because he hears Thomas the Tank Engine has started on the TV.

I adore how kids think doing things with their eyes closed is the bees knees.

"Muuuuum!! Look, I can eat with my eyes closed!!!"

"Muuuuuuuuuuum!!!! Look, I can count with my eyes closed!!! 1...2....3.....4....."

You get the drift.

"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuum! I can spell 'dog' with my eyes closed.... D....O....G!!!"

Faaabulous. Good work little ones. Great job.

So a few weeks ago my mower broke. What happened? I don't know. One day I went to mow and it sounded a little bit 'off colour' so I put it down to the fact that it was too long since I had last mowed and the mower was giving me the cold shoulder. It started, I mowed, no harm done.

However, the next time I went to mow I nearly dislocated my shoulder. The pull cord string only allowed me to pull it out about a foot. No mowing for me. And the need to find a mower repair man.

Long story short and cut to the chase, yesterday I was at school assembly and was seated in front of my neighbour across the road. Lovely lovely lady, and great to chat to. So I asked her if she knew anyone who repaired mowers. She told me of one not too far from home, then offered her husband's help to load the mower into the car. I thanked her profusely and told her I would more than likely take her up on that.

Cue today. Her husband knocks on the door at 5pm. "My wife was telling me about your mower not working. I just wanted to know if you would like to borrow ours until you get yours fixed?"

Wow. How absolutely beautiful.

So of course I said yes and within a few minutes he returned with the mower, and a jerry can of fuel to boot (which I told him I did not need because I already had one, which I did, but how nice of him to offer!), showed me how to work it, and said I was welcome to keep it for a few weeks to get the lawns mowed. Amazing generosity.

So I popped it in the garage then went inside with the kids. Now today was a stunning day. Stunning. And it was only 5.15pm. Why not. I thought I would mow today, get it done now, and then that would leave me a week or so to get another mow in to get the level right down. That's thinking right there that is!

So out I went, into the forest of grass, and began to mow. Now to give you a visual, my backyard is, let's say, um, enormous for want of a better word. And there is a lot of grass. An awful lot. And it was approximately thigh height. Yes, I know. Far from ideal.

So I mowed. And emptied the catcher. And mowed. And emptied the catcher. And mowed. And ran out of petrol. And filled up the petrol tank (which I had done before I started mind you). And mowed. And emptied the catcher. Etc. Etc. Etc.

My dog was barking. A lot. As I had him tied up so he didn't "help" with the mowing, which he tends to do when roaming freely.

Miss 5 screams, over the noise of the mower "Muuuuuuum! He's barking to tell you you're doing a great job!!"

Seriously cool kids.

And in the space of an hour and fifteen minutes of hardcore mowing, I was done. With the back yard. Still up the driveway and the front to go. Thankfully that was far shorter and only took 15 minutes. Cutest part was Miss 4 was walking lengths with me, giving me motivation. "You're doing a great job mum!" Absolutely adorable. And again. Seriously cool.

Then I heard "MUM!!!!!". Terrified she had fallen or something had happened I screamed "WHAT!!!!?!" Wherein she said "Don't mow over the flowers." We have wildflowers. Beautiful little white flowers. So I picked them, gave them to her, and kept on mowing. And my wasn't she chuffed.

And then it was done.

So I came inside, showered, and sat on the sofa.

Very. Bad. Move. Every muscle in my body seized up. Oh dear, what have I done. I'll tell you what I had done - I used muscles that had been in a coma quite possibly since birth. The mower I borrowed was slightly older than my mower. In that regard it was a tad heavier (a lot) and a small amount more hideously cumbersome to manoeuvre. How cool is that word? Add an i and it's got the vowels completely covered. E just HAD to make a double appearance didn't it?

And Master 3 came over, having listened to me for the last 5 minutes saying I was sore, climbs up, sits on my lap and says "I'm sore." Going out in sympathy methinks....

So I am aching pretty well all over. Not in a bad way. In an "I have done something incredibly productive" way. So it's all good. But I do hurt. At least that gives me an excuse to self-medicate with a lovely Shiraz.... after all, it is a muscle relaxant isn't it...?

Good enough for me.....

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