Sunday 6 October 2013

I wasn't going to

blog tonight, being that I had blogged at some stage today already.

But I can't help it.


Because it is 12.17am (currently) and I cannot keep my eyes closed. Yes. You read correctly. Because of the fact that I spent a large portion of today in bed, I am now hideously and unwaveringly awake.

I also had a lot of coffee today. I daresay that may have contributed to my current state of hyperalertness.

So being that I'm up I may as well have a chat.

I didn't have my kidlets with me this weekend. I had organised well in advance for them to spend the weekend with their father and thankfully that actually did happen. Long story. Not going into it. But it happened.

Most of my days and nights are spent in the company of my mini folk.

But when they are gone, well, yes, it is great to have some "me" time, but I always find, and always as in without fail, that by the end of their time away, when it comes to within a few hours of them being home, I am literally incapable of doing anything. Because I am pacing. Waiting. Anxious. Just massively excited to see my babies again.

I miss them when they aren't with me. Terribly. Although I love the time I have without them, at the same time I am torn because I am not with them. Quite ridiculous I know. But, well, what can you do.

So tonight they arrived home from their weekend away. They had had fun and that is the most important thing.

Miss 5 goes back to school tomorrow. And it is her last term as a grade prep. After that she will be in grade 1.

And she asked me "When do I start grade 1?" And, knowing that I had absolutely no idea when the terms are for next year, I said to her "I'll google it later."

Her comment? "Yes, you should ask the internet 'what day will I start grade 1?'". Super adorable.

I did forget a few things today. The bath for example. It was full of drinks last night, and tonight, well, it was still full of drinks, just a few less. So when Miss 5 went in there to wash her hands, the next thing I heard was "Come here!!!! GUYS!! Come HERE!!!! In the bathroom!!! LOOOOOOOOK!!!!"


I'm tipping the weekend was a little tiring for my babies. They tell me they played at the park a lot and had fun, and I think that is fabulous. But it meant that simple little things cause rather out of proportion reactions.

There were paper plates left over from last night that I gave the kids to draw on. They thought that was great. Until Miss 4 came over, put her plate on the bench, and didn't realise she had put it down on another plate that contained cake. With icing on. Very sticky red icing. Which then latched on to her drawing plate.

And then it was on. The drama. The tears. The "oh life is so cruel" dramatics that only a 4 year old (and possibly a 5 year old) can muster.

Bedtime this evening was horrific.

Bloody. Daylight. Savings.

And I walked into the heater. With my knee. One of those oil column heaters. And yes, it hurt. A lot. And no, I did not swear. But yes, I did think those swear words. All of them. Repeatedly.

And I can't bend my knee. And tomorrow it will be purple. And Miss 5 got upset because of my involuntary grunt as my knee crashed against the heater. Because she thought I was yelling at her. She's a little precious. But her preciousness held me away from putting the frozen peas on my knee, so tomorrow when it is all blue and swollen, I'm blaming her. I won't tell her. But I will be... secretly...

Oh yes, I'm awful. Sue me. Tell me you wouldn't do the same!!! She's none the wiser. But I know it's my own fault. Agh. Stupid brain. And no, I won't be blaming her, I know it's my fault.

Okay that's a sign. What's a sign? Me talking to myself almost conversation like in blog form. Sign I should go to bed. Even though I am WIDE awake.

Who knows, I just may sleep. And hopefully have better dreams than last night. Not that they were bad. But freeeeaky. Who'd have thought that copious amounts of red wine and champagne could cause sleep disturbance.....

Night all :)

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