Saturday 23 November 2013

Note this day.

For this evening, my three beautiful children all went to bed, albeit a little later than usual, and fell straight to sleep. All of them. Yes. I mean ALL OF THEM. And no, I'm not yelling, because heaven forbid I should wake them but seriously, all of them.

They didn't come out once after going to bed.

No little "Muuuuuum, I need to tell you something".

No "I want some water please."

No anything.

We did have a big day. This morning we did the grocery shopping, which is always fabulous with three kids in tow. But they were great.

I must confess though, I did semi-bribe them by getting them each a frosty mug.

What is a frosty mug? It is a $2 piece of absolute wonderment that you chuck in the freezer, then after it is frozen you put in a drink, stir, and watch as it turns into a slushie. Amazing.

And yes, I got one for me too. Best $8 I have spent in a while.

And so we finished, and came home, then started the cleanup as we had friends arriving at 11.

I asked all three to help. Only the one-armed one helped. So she got a sticker on her chart.

I have this chart. It's a rewards chart essentially, but no set "tasks". It is more rewards for doing things that are kind, compassionate or helpful.

So for example today when Miss 5 helped, even though it was difficult for her, she got a sticker.

The other day Miss 5 wanted something that Miss 4 had in place of what Miss 5 already had, and Miss 4 very gladly handed it over to her and swapped. Sticker.

With Master 3 it is a little simpler. Put your shoes on the first time you are asked. Sticker. Helps me no end. Otherwise we begin the shoe ballet. He is fussier with shoes than the girls. Hands down. And it extends to the socks. "I don't like the black ones!" Fabulous it is. Really.

And our friends arrived and then it was on. She brought two girls with her and the five kids just played.

And played.

And played.

And I put the bbq on and cooked up a frenzy.

Ribs. Lots of ribs. Holy. Moly. Amazing.

And some burgers, sausages and salads too.

There was a lot of food. A lot was leftover too.

Then a fruit break.

Then a cupcake and biscuit course, courtesy of my friend who just happens to be an absolutely amazing baker. Amazing I tell you. She made the rainbow mega layered cake for Miss 5's rainbow birthday on her 4th birthday. It was truly astounding. And the cakes she brought today. Well. I don't eat sweets as a general rule. But I tried one. It was a fluffy light little cupcake thing coated in coconut and then doused in passionfruit curd.

My. God. It was amazing.

So then we went outside as by that time the rain had subsided, and the kids ran feral in the backyard.

This went for a little while and then back inside to watch an episode of Play School while the adults had a much needed coffee.

Then the visitors departed after their lovely long visit, we did dinner, baths and washed hair and then read three or four books.

Miss 5 had brought home a level 10 book. She has varying level books. I'm not quite sure how it all works to be honest. But she loves to read, and is doing really well with it, albeit sometimes a little 'robotic', but I think that will improve with time.

Miss 4 also likes to read. And not just play along reading. She reads. So so well. She zipped through a level 3 book, reading with feeling and expression. And she read 10 of the 13 pages of the level 10 book before she had decided she had had enough.

Such a smart little cookie. And adores it. She is a veritable sponge for information. When she is challenged she is a dream. A true dream. When she is bored, well, act out here we come.

So yes. I try to keep her challenged.

And I had promised them that today we would do some gluing. Promised. And did not deliver because our visit ended up extending, which nobody was really sad about to be honest. But it did mean that gluing was not going to happen.

So I have promised (yes, I know, I never learn) that tomorrow we will do gluing. Straight after breakfast so as not to run out of time in the day.

We may even do some little scrapbooking thingies.

No matter what, tomorrow will be day o' craft. They love a bit of craft.

I don't mind craft.

At least it makes vacuuming sound effective.

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