Monday 11 November 2013

Nobody tells you this stuff.

The sickness stuff I mean. And the emo stuff. And the general "you'll know when you're a parent" stuff.

There is a lot of stuff that people simply don't tell you about being a parent. Why? I reckon because nobody told them and why the hell should you have an advantage. That's my theory anyway.

Before I was a parent I loved staying up late and would often get very little sleep. Let me tell you, it is far less fun when someone else is in control of the amount of sleep you get.

There are diseases. Lots of them. And disgusting things. Lots of them. That kids are exposed to and get.

Hand, foot and mouth disease. It truly sounds like something reserved for livestock. Nope. Kids get it. And it means they are off school and daycare for a fair schwack of time too.

Head lice. I have not yet encountered this (touch wood… repeatedly) but seriously. Oh geez. Just the thought of it makes me retch.

Ear infections. Sounds like nothing serious. Ba bow. Wrong. Tis everything serious. Aside from the whole eardrum bursting thing as previously stated, there are other things. Master 3 has had 3 ear infections in the last 6 weeks. He is to be checked at the same time Miss 5 is checked in a few weeks. If he has ANOTHER ear infection then things get ramped up. They have these things called grommets. They insert things into the kids' ears. Does wonders apparently. Particularly for those kids who get recurrent ear infections.

Kids break stuff. It happens. Although this one was actually easier than I had anticipated. Yes, there is the initial heartbreak and pain living through your child kind of pain when they initially hurt themselves, but realistically, all it does is change the way you do things, and add a few appointments to your schedule. And a story to your kids' upbringing.

Chickenpox. Yep.

Bandaids. The value of bandaids. They are absolute gold. Particularly the ones with pretty disney pictures on them. They could have a compound fracture, but cover it in a mickey mouse bandaid and all will be forgotten. Ripped an entire nail off? No matter! Cars brand bandaids are here to make it all better.

Have many varieties. Trust me. It is worth it.

Before you are a parent you say you won't do things and you will do things.

I was never going to bribe my kids with food.

Um. Yeah. Nah. Sorry. It works. I'm doing it.

I was always going to put them straight back into their bed if they came into bed with me.

Um. Yeah. Nah. Sorry. It's 3am. I'm tired. I'm not moving. Get in here and go to sleep. I'll move you in the morning.

I was never going to let TV be their babysitter.

Um. Yeah. Nah. Sorry. I have had the grand total of 2  hours sleep because various children did various things at various points throughout the night. If I don't get at least one uninterrupted cup of coffee it will end badly. For everyone.

I was going to do so much and was not going to do so much and as life throws you things you change. Because you have to.

I never could have possibly believed how many times I would tell my kids I love them in a day.

And I do. Repeatedly. Even on bad days.

Because they are my everything.

And they may answer with "I knoooooow mum, you told us already". But I just have to. Because even the thought of them brings my soul to life. I just want them to know how very loved they are.

And here's the thing. They do.

And yes I'm having an emo day. Because I took Miss 5 to school this morning and she was fine. Literally truly fine. Until I left the room. And then she became inconsolable. Because she didn't want to miss me.

And that was fine and she was nearly calmed down after I hugged her for ages, until the other teacher came in the room not knowing the 'history' and tried to prise her from me. And it went downhill from there.

And you know sometimes things happen for a reason. I was able to spend a wonderful day, one on one, with my baby girl.

And I wouldn't change that for the world.

We didn't do anything monumental. She came to work with me for a few hours (I just had to get a few things done today, no matter what). Then we went to the bakery for morning tea. Then we went to a christmas decoration shop, we had fish and chips for lunch, and I watched her at her tennis lesson (yes, she was "well" enough to do tennis…..).

And what a fabulous day it was. And realistically all because her teacher came in at the wrong time.

And I am so glad she did.

So so glad.

Love. My. Babies.

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