Monday 4 November 2013

A dragon ate my shoe.

When this is what comes out of the mouth of your 3 year old as he stands beside your bed with tears in his eyes at 4.30 in the morning, you pull back the covers and let him in.

He went back to sleep straight away.

I thought about the dragon for a bit and then fell asleep again too.

And in the morning once everyone was up I asked him about it.

"Did a dragon eat your shoe?"

"Yes. It did."

"What colour was it?"


*Look of intense sadness in the eyes*

"And then the dragon dropped my shoe and picked it up again so it could eat it again."

That was where I pretended I dropped something so he didn't see my smile and laughing…. Seriously, just so adorable. Right down to the lello. Which I didn't correct because, well, it was just super cute and I correct him every other time and seriously just get off my case already!!!


Today was a great day at work. A really great day.

I love those days. They make the day fly. They make the feeling happy and joyous.

I feel days in a colour spectrum. Grey days are as they sound. Black days you just don't want to ever have. But then there are the other colours. Red days could but don't necessarily signify anger or danger but vibrancy and energy. Green days could but don't necessarily portray calm and peacefulness but perhaps nature and connection with the environment. Yellow could but doesn't necessarily indicate warmth, but happiness and lightness of soul.

You get the picture.

Today I would classify as a distinctly holographic day.

And yes, that counts. A myriad of colours, changing with the most minute of movements. Going from a joyous happy yellow to a hopeful vivid blue to a contented mint green to a happy fuchsia.

Today was a good day.

And tonight at the dinner table made me smile. Again. As it often does.

Master 3 once again. He was on fire today. Not literally obviously.

So at the dinner table. "What's in my bottom?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What's in my bottom? In my nappy…. come on……"

Miss 5 guesses "Is it a poo?"

Master 3 laughs and says "Nooooooo!!!"

Miss 4 guesses "Is it a wee?"

Master 3 nods and laughs hysterically and says "YES!!!" with food spitting out of his mouth.

What a great game. No. Really.

Tomorrow is Cup Day holiday. We have no plans. We will do something. I just don't know what.

I'm thinking there'll be some park action. There may even be a little drive. I think we may try to catch up with some friends though. Not sure which friends. Some friends. I adore spending time with the kids, I really do, sometimes I hate it though I must be honest, like when they throw stuff at each other and whinge and carry on and "she bit me" and "he hit me" and "I feel sick" with no good reason kind of thing.

I don't want to go a long way. I want to stay fairly close to home. And not go anywhere near the racetrack because there'll be cars everywhere. And no. I don't mean I would contemplate taking the kids there. I mean we live not so far from the race track so I intend to stay away from that geographical area. Sheesh. Can't say anything.

So yes. I have no plans. We have no plans.


They'll come. I know they will.

Oh, but I am wrong, sorry, I just realised.

We are playing Mike the Knight treasure hunt game in the morning. It is already set up and ready to go.

Oh, and we are painting. I finally caved.

Oh, and we are baking too.

Oh, and I have to mow the lawn too.

Actually the day is looking pretty busy….. might have to reschedule that catch up…. oh, no, it's ok, I never scheduled it in the first place…. I just thought about it.


And that my friends is why talking to oneself is not frowned upon but advisable.

Problems are solved before they even arise.

And you're welcome.


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