Friday 20 September 2013

Four and a half hours.

That's how long little man was awake throughout the night last night. From 10.30pm until 3am. Well technically that isn't actually true. The first 34 minutes he was having a night terror and was most definitely not awake, although the noise would have fooled anyone inexperienced in the 'joys' of night terrors.

And I stand corrected again because after the night terror there was a period of around 8 or 9 minutes where he slept. And then he woke up.

Me: "Go to sleep baby"

Master 2: "No. I want to be awake."

Oh. God. Help. Me.

And so by 3am, with my eyes hanging out of my head, I caved and put him into bed with me. Which I am trying to not do because it was happening all the time. With all three. But I had to sleep. And so I did. And when I awoke a few hours later he was nowhere to be seen, but Miss 5 was beside me, asleep, and Miss 4 was asking me to pull the covers back so she could hop in.

And in the morning I told Miss 4 that Angus had had a terrible night and was in bed with me. And she said "When we aren't feeling well, we hop into bed with mum and get cuddles and that makes us feel better. But doctors do a better job of that." Yes. They do. I guess. If you want to get all technical.

Last night it was a full moon. I think most people have heard the theory that children go that bit madder than usual around this time. I tended to agree. So I downloaded or loaded or whatever you call it to make an app be on your phone, and what I loaded was a phases of the moon app. And any time the kids are going more off their nuts than usual, I check the phase of the moon.

Sure enough, last night, full moon.

I have decidedly less hair this morning than I did last night. It was just constant. And then I started to think maybe he was unwell. He had a sore tummy for about 17 of the minutes he was awake, so he said, so I really can't in all fairness put it down to that....

Suffice to say, this morning I was fairly shattered. Master 2 however was not. Because he was now Master 3. And wasn't he proud.....

So the day was fabulous. We dropped Miss 5 at school, proceeded on to our usual babycino (long black for mum thanks very much - and they're starting to recognise us now......), then to see the helicopters, then to see the really big planes, then a little bit of a drive, supermarket visit, picked up Miss 5 from school (early due to last day of school), went home, did the present thing, did some crafts, played a bit, then out for Chinese, food was brilliant, then the restaurant put on the charm - over the radio system was heard a very joyful rendition of "Happy Birthday", and Mr Chinese Restaurant Man brought out a bowl of ice cream with a candle, and a sparkler, and Master 3 was spellbound. Sparkles. Fire. On a stick. And he held it. And was awestruck. And for the 72 odd seconds that sparkler shone bright absolutely nothing else in the world existed.

Then Mr Chinese Restaurant Man gave the kids a lollipop. There was no English to be seen on this lollipop. And the stick was black. And when I opened the wrapper, the lollipop was black. And when the kids started eating said lollipops their tongues turned black. And, kids being kids, their faces commenced to turn black, and younger kids being younger kids, drips of black saliva started falling on to the white tablecloth. And it looked like they had been inked by a mentally unstable squid. Repeatedly. Thanks for that Mr Chinese Restaurant Man. Really.

And then we came home, did the cake thing, sang some happy birthdayness again, the kids ate even more sugar (just what you want before bed), and then it took me the next 82 minutes or thereabouts to get them to bed, and a further 34 at least until they were all soundly asleep.

Master 3. I'll have to get used to saying that.

And tonight was also a night we have been working towards for about 6 months. Because Master 3 is heavily attached to his bottle, and we have been saying for some time that his 3rd birthday is when they stop. So theoretically no more bottles from here on in.

Now that should be interesting........

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