Thursday, 21 November 2013


Miss 5 had them. No visible break. Great. Truly. But that gut feeling inside me thinks something is not quite right. I'll let you know whether or not my gut is correct. 

Miss 4 asked if she had ever had x-rays. I said that yes, in fact she had. Quite a lot of x-rays. Not sure if I have told you before but Miss 4 has broken her arm and her leg. Left leg, right arm. 

Leg. Standing in the lounge room, turned, snap. 

Just. Like. That. 

Spiral fracture, cast to the hip. Fabulous. She was tough as guts though. I mean, she walked on the leg after it had broken. But through the course of the treatment she had numerous x-rays to check on its progress (and of course the initial diagnostics). 

Arm break. Fell off a sofa. Didn't complain about her arm, as she hit her head too. It was only that night I realised she wasn't moving the arm much. 

Many x-rays.

So Master 3 then asked if he had had any exercise. 

X-rays mini dude. X-rays.

When he was a mini tike Master 3 had terrible breathing issues; recurrent bronchiolitis, which subsequently morphed into asthma. Anyway, he had chest x-rays several times, which looked horrific mind you, and I have kept them. Just cos. 

Now Miss 5 stayed completely still while they took her x-rays yesterday. Completely. 

Compare that with Miss 4. Who was Miss 2 and Miss 3 at leg and arm x-ray time respectively. 

Power of an army. 

She had people holding her down to get her to stay still. It was awful. And so loud. So so loud. 

But it had to be done. And on both occasions the pictures spoke even louder than the screams emanating from my lil injured chicklet's body. 

You know it's funny though. Before any of your kids breaks anything you think how awful it would be to have a child break something. 

It is awful. It is. 

But to be honest it doesn't change as much as you would think. Yes, having the leg in plaster meant sponge baths for 6 weeks and gymnastics in order to wash hair, but apart from that, and the obvious lack of mobility, very little else changed (except of course the clothes she could wear). 

With the arm, again sponge baths and odd arrangements for hair washing, slightly more difficulty in dressing, but overall things were not too difficult. 

Kids are adaptable. Hugely enormously adaptable. 

Miss 5 was standing in front of the fridge tonight trying to put something on there with a fridge magnet. 

She took her time, used her right elbow to brace something while she used her hand to move the magnet around. 

And her left arm didn't even raise inadvertently. 

Now that my friends is one of those moments where mums get the pang, if a pang is there to be got. I got it. There is no way she has done nothing major to this arm. I just feel it. If it was just a strain or sprain or bad knock, she would at least try to use the injured arm in situations where using the other arm by itself is virtually hopeless, which this display was. 

Ah, who knows. I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong. But I really don't think I am. 

Master 3 was sick today. Well, he was and he wasn't. Last night he said he had a sore throat. I put it down to his vocal ways of commentating his life. 

This morning I went to drop him off at daycare and he repeated it, crying. Agh. Couldn't have said something before we got here? No apparently. 

So I couldn't leave him there. So I dropped everyone else off and then took him to the doctor. 

Lots. Of. People. All before us. Of course. 

And then I kicked myself for not bringing food. This is the problem with short notice doctor visits. I really should keep more food in the nappy bag. 

Anyway, Master 3 watched Peppa Pig on my (charged) phone until we were finally seen. 

At least he doesn't have another ear infection I guess. 

And to be fair, he did spend much of the day sleeping once we got home. I even managed a mini kip. Wherein I dreamt the police pulled me over and I woke up just before they told me why they pulled me over. 

And no, I could not get back to sleep. So I don't know what I did. Or didn't do. I like to think that dream police (singing the song now) were just wanting to tell me my tyre was a little flat. 

I take a lot of photos of the kids. Most of the time on the phone, because it is there, but sometimes also on my camera. 

Because I shake I find the camera better because the shutter speed is quicker and there is less likelihood that the picture will be blurry. 

So when I see a photo op, I prefer, if I can, to get the camera, not the phone. 

I will demonstrate the ways in which this may not be ideal. 

If your camera is not readily available then time will pass. Photo opportunities are notoriously quick. 

Answer? Keep camera handy 

Case point in question - today. Miss 4 and Master 3 sitting beside one another watching TV. Miss 4 has her arm around Master 3 and is leaning in to give him a kiss on the head. Gorgeous. 

Phone was right there. But no, I wanted to get a non-blurry photo because it wasn't very light and I knew it would be a longer exposure so camera was a better option. 

Unfortunately the camera was in the camera bag, so by the time I returned to the photo opportunity, beautiful loving siblings were replaced by "Mum, look, his head is on my bum" as he is lying on the ground and she is essentially sideways sitting on him, and of course there are guffaws of laughter. 


Tis that quick. 

But I do have some great photos. I really do. 

I got a good photo of all three kidlets looking at me this morning while we were at the dentist. 

Ah. The dentist. 

Perhaps a story for another time…..

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