Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I don't think people realise

just how much it costs to raise children.

People without children I mean.

Or those who have chosen to avoid parental responsibility.

Anyway. My kids eat a lot. And they have magically managed to outgrow nearly all of their shoes. And it would seem their shorts.


So I was thinking today, if your surname was "Time" it would be massively cruel to call your kid Justin. Same if your surname was "Case".

If your surname was "Burr" it would be cruel to call your child "Timothy". "Tim" for short.

I cannot comprehend what these celebrities were thinking when they named their babies all sorts of fantastical names.

And no. I do not have any idea why those things were going through my mind.

It was a bit warm today. Thank you captain obvious.

But it was. And so I dug through the kids' summer clothes to see what fit them still.

Well, that was a fun exercise now wasn't it? At least little man has some shorts that still fit him. The girls though? Nothing. Nada. Nix. Nil. Ba bow.

So I'll have to sort that out. And yes I know I have already mentioned that but to be fair that was over a half an hour ago.

It took me that long to type that? Um. No. It did not. In between writing it the first time and writing it the second time the temperature has apparently risen which has made the children more restless and I have thus rescued one from falling halfway off the bed and another is currently, as we speak, still groaning. Which she did last night too. Why? No idea. At all. It doesn't seem to be related to anything.

I don't have a Melways. I have mentioned this before. I have a chick on my GPS who doesn't understand that not all roads go the ways she wants them to go. Case point in question. Yesterday I had to drive to Preston. It was about 20 minutes away, so the GPS chick said. GPS chick did not factor in no right turn intersections. And when I got to one and turned left instead, she started to sound really annoyed that I hadn't followed her directions. So I calmly explained to her that I couldn't turn right, whilst still driving, looking for somewhere to turn around. And then she said it. Then she got narky and told me to turn around. And so I said to her well of course I will, I only turned left because you got it wrong in the first place, to which she answered "at the roundabout do a u-turn" and I KNEW she was annoyed. So I just said to her well der.

Yes. I'm 40.

And I was talking to a GPS.

Sue me.

I eventually got where I needed to go. And I had no idea where I was going when I was going there because GPS chick annoyed me that much I turned her off. So then I was really flying by the seat of my pants. And I am geographically challenged. As well as spatially challenged.

I have several challenges in my life.


Miss 5 had her first school disco today. I left work early so I could check up on her and make sure all was ok. I peeked in the window and saw she was roaming around happy as Larry (arm still in sling mind you), shoes off, glow sticks on head. Perfecto.

So I thought yep. I'll just duck down the supermarket and get some things and pop back later. So I did. And by the time I got there two parents told me that she had been waiting at the door for me to get there. And my heart sank. I hadn't told her I was actually "coming" to the disco. Because it was for preps and grade 1s. But she expected I would. So then I felt like a schmuck for not going. But then I was glad I didn't because she spent the next 20 minutes stuck to me like a mollusc. And if I had have been there the entire time I think that may have been the case for the entire time. As it was she wanted to leave early, and that was fine, I didn't mind, but I'm glad she went, and I'm glad I didn't for the start. At least she got some preppy grade one dance disco action time.

I had given her $1 today. Why? There was a lemonade stall at lunchtime to raise funds. 50c for a small lemonade, $1 for a large. And then there was the disco this afternoon. Glow sticks for 50c.

So when I dropped her off I said she could either get a small lemonade and then a glow stick at the disco. Or a large lemonade and no glow stick. Or no lemonade and 2 glow sticks.

She got 2 glow sticks. That's my girl.

Cos the glow she go. On and on. Lemonade, done in a flash.

And tonight she is asleep in bed, albeit in a fairly groany mood, with the glow sticks attached to her bed rail. Glowing.

I wonder how long they'll last…..

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