Running early I mean. And I don't mean over the space of days, I mean in a day.
Today we were ready to head out the door at 8.11am. Everyone was dressed, hair was done, lunch was made for Miss 5, reader folder in bag, I had all my stuff organised.
And then I did it. I asked.
"Does anyone need to go to the toilet?"
Why. Did. I. Ask.
So Miss 5 heads in to the toilet. And decides that she might stay there for a bit. As she does.
And so at 8.21am we were all ready to head out the door.
Miss 4 "But I need to go too!!!"
O. K. Then.
So Miss 5 decides to keep Miss 4 company, and I hear mumble mumble mumble before Miss 4 all but yells "What do you think it is? A ham sandwich?"
It was at that point I nearly choked and fell to the floor with laughter. And Miss 4 heard this and promptly chastised me for laughing at her.
At times like this I actually appreciate the fact that Master 3 is still in a nappy. He'll toilet train soon, but to be honest if he isn't ready he isn't going to get it so quickly so I would rather wait till he is ready and then go.
And so finally at 8.28am we all headed out the door.
The obligatory "I wanted to get into the car first" ensued, followed by the "But I wanted you to do my seatbelt up first."
Guys. It doesn't make any difference. At all. To anything. Seriously.
So we get to the little ones' school, and Master 3 still doesn't like his new room, even though they have massively cool toys in there. I mean I would play in there. All day. And love it. I think he just isn't trying to be honest. That's probably a little harsh. He did get moved for a short while and then have to move again and I think he just felt a little geographically challenged. He never takes long to settle after I leave and always greets me with open arms when I pick him up. I'm not concerned he isn't having a great day, but I do so hate dropping him off crying, blowing countless kisses to him and repeating "I love you baby" over and over until I am out of sight.
Sigh. Breaks my heart.
And then drop Miss 4 off and have 7 or 8 goes at leaving, because always another kiss and another hug…..
So we get to Miss 5's school.
Walking across the playground I turn to her and say "Did you put your water bottle back into your bag?"
Oh. Dear.
So I say that just for today I'm sure it would be okay if she just used the water taps outside the prep room. Miss 5 wasn't rapt in that suggestion but accepted it.
And just as we are about to walk into her classroom she says it. "My hat!"
Now I had to go home. No hat no play. And with a 28 degree forecast I'm tipping they would be fairly strict on that.
So I figured I would grab her water bottle while I was there, and while I was at it I decided to change my shirt because it just didn't feel right.
I get back to school and can't get a parking spot. Of course I can't. It is peak drop off time.
Finally get a park around the corner, get to Miss 5's room and she is nowhere to be found.
She is in the toilet. Again. Seriously. This child has a bladder the size of a pea. And yes I have had her checked at the doctor, and no there is nothing wrong, she just doesn't like feeling even in the slightest that she needs to pee.
And so I eventually made it to work.
And work was flat out. I mean flat out. I had to do everything because we were a person down (the person who answers all the calls and drop ins) and today we had a LOT of calls. A lot. And I was trying to arrange a settlement at the same time. For tomorrow.
Suffice to say the day flew. But I made it through it. I even managed to duck to the supermarket at lunchtime to get bread for tomorrow's sandwiches.
Once we all got home I realised I couldn't be bothered cooking and decided that I would opt for the sandwich dinner that is a working mother's dream because it requires so little effort and is done and dusted within minutes.
And as you know my kids eat a lot. And then the loaf of bread was gone. Oops. Crap. Miss 5's lunch. Just enough bread to make one little sandwich.
Our dinner time is never dull. Even if I wish it would be sometimes. We often get the "Look at my eyes! Look at them!" Eyes dart back and forth and eyebrows are raised, intense looks of concentration accompanying the movements. And the challenge is apparently on as Master 3 yells "Mine can go faster!! Look!!!" wherein all that happens is his head moves around ridiculously.
I made Master 3's night tonight because he got to wear his summer pjs. He loves them. Cars. Anything Cars he loves. And would gladly wear those pjs even if it was minus 5 degrees. So he is beside himself tonight. So much so that he didn't actually want to go to sleep. Fabulous. Funnily enough nor did the girls. Tis a fairly warm night though.
There were many things I had to say, none of which I can remember. Perhaps I should write them down. I write down all my appointments in my phone calendar. Would be lost without that. And have taken to writing things that I categorically need to remember in draft emails. Or if I remember I have it, the notes part on my phone. But I often don't remember. So email draft it is.
And on that note I have just realised that there are several (read: numerous) emails to which I must reply.
I had fully intended to. And then lots of shopping emails came through and kept pushing these emails further and further down, and before you know it they were gone. Out of sight out of mind. Until I deleted the shopping and other randomly nothing emails. And voila. Instant guilt trip. Right there.
So I'm off to deguilt by way of electronic communication.
A la prochaine.
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