Friday, 8 November 2013


They happen when it rains. Funny that.

There is a magnetism. Puddles. Children. Puddles. Children.

This force is apparently stronger in boys than in girls, though present in both without a doubt.

Today it rained. Funnily enough that resulted in puddles.

Today was an assembly day, which meant we walked from the car to school, then once assembly was finished, we all waited together outside Miss 5's classroom.

There were puddles.

Some of these puddles could have actually been considered lakes. Well, more than just a puddle anyway. Enough to completely soak a shoe or two and half a pant leg at the very least.

And yes, it happened. To us and many others.

I blame Peppa Pig.

She loves to jump in muddy puddles.

But it's hard. Because Peppa Pig is fabulous. It is 5 minutes and 10 seconds (or thereabouts) that I am freely able to do anything. At all. Because as soon as the music comes on I hear "PEPPA PIG!!!" screamed from all ends of the house and children come running.

The tv is on much of the time when we are home. Not watched all of that time, but on quite a bit. Because of the Peppa Pig phenomenon. They just. Come. Running.

And then it is my time. I have 5 clear minutes to do whatever the hell I want.

Sometimes I go to the fridge and get my favourite foods out, if they are there. And I eat them and I don't share.

Sometimes I drink a coffee while it is hot.

Sometimes I Facebook stalk someone who I have randomly thought of.

Sometimes I go on eBay to see if any Peppa Pig cartoon DVDs are cheap.

Sometimes I catch up on the news.

Sometimes I send an email.

Sometimes I cull the photos on my phone (it is obscene the number of photos on my phone).

Sometimes I watch Peppa Pig too. Sue me.

Today the two minis and I had a mission. Knickers, stickers and shoes.

Knickers for Miss 4. She may be 4 but a 4-6 she is not. So sorted that one out, all good.

Stickers. For the rewards chart. Any time they do something that is something special, be it sharing something special with one of the others, or actively doing something they are not asked to do, or similar, they get a sticker. Once they get 10, they get a lucky dip. I haven't made those up yet but it'll be things they love - stuff to put on their bags, or stickers, or little things like that.

And shoes. Master 3 has no summer shoes. I realised this the other day when it was hot and I tried to put his Thomas sandal things on him and ba bow. No joy. Too small. So he chose dinosaur light up green sandal things. And there you go. Problem solved.

I had also promised the kids a DVD as we haven't bought a new DVD for ages. And Despicable Me 2 was on sale. So what could we do but get it?!

We did.

And then when we got home, it was a fruit salad dinner, followed by a salad dinner (logic, go figure) and then I made some home popped popcorn, all the kids were in pjs and we set up and watched the movie.

By watched I mean I watched, Miss 4 fell asleep, Miss 5 constantly asked if she could have any more popcorn and Master 3 repeated that he was tired, wherein I asked repeatedly if he wanted to go to bed, in response to which he replied no, over and over, sat on my lap yawning and nestling in and then waking up and then repeating, and no it wasn't late it was before 7pm.

So after the film finished, which I loved by the way, I took asleep Miss 4 to the loo (thank goodness I did too just quietly), then Miss 5 and Master 3 did the teeth, toilet bed thing and there you have it.

Easy. Peasy.

Ha. Yep. Well, yes. Tonight was actually.

Tomorrow we are going swimming. So it seems. Swimming trial.

I don't swim.

I never wanted to take the kids to swimming lessons. That was someone else's job, a job on which they reneged.

So now it is left to me. And it has taken me this long to build up the courage to do it.

But I'm doing it.

So wish me luck.

Deep. Breath.

I can do it.

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