Tuesday, 5 November 2013

There is no such thing as time.

There is no other explanation.

I will tell you why, by way of demonstrating the way in which time can not possibly exist in the way we have been led to believe.

When I have a kid-free day there is no way it goes for 8 hours. None. It literally just starts, I blink and they'll be back in half an hour.

When it is half an hour before normal bedtime, what ensues from this point can only be seen to smash the concept of time. Because it goes for an eternity. A veritable eternity.

When your child is on a piece of play equipment, and you see them lose grip with one arm, time slows such that every pressure wave in the air is almost visible, as you watch, helpless, as you see your child fall, in slow motion.

When your child picks up a Thomas the tank engine toy times accelerates such that you don't even see said Thomas propelled through the air, target being sister's head.

When a child comes into your bed at 4 in the morning, the time it takes for the alarm to go off is months. Surely.

The time it takes children to fall asleep at night. It seems like hours. Often it isn't.

Night terrors. These bastardly things pull time like an elastic band, to the point right before it is about to break. That time is as tense as said elastic band, and feels like forever.

A night out. A rare night out. Without kidlets. Fabulous and wonderful. Gone in a flash.

I had three children home with chickenpox. For a week. Technically. I swear every day was at least 70 or 80 hours.

I think I had a point. I truly have no idea what that point was.

Anyway, it was Melbourne Cup Day today so all the kids were home. At 10am I told them we'd go to the park.


We left at 1.30pm.

It took us 3 and a half hours to get out the door.

3 and a half hours. And I kid you not it felt like 17.

And we were at the park. And that was nice. Nice. Great word. Sort of. But so non-expressive. So bland. You may as well say "lovely".

The park was great because it had 4 swings. Do you know how many parks only have 2? Basically nearly every park.

I have 3 children.

2 swings.

3 children.

I know. I don't have to spell it out. But seriously. Don't councils realise that 2 swings just doesn't cut it??

YES. This council apparently does. 2 'do up' swings, 2 older kiddie swings. Fab.

And heaps of climbing stuff.

And best part? 2/3 of the park was in shade at 1.30pm. That is gold. Miss 4 burns if she even steps foot into a sunny room. The other two not near as bad, but Miss 4 is terribly sensitive to the sun.

So pop that one on the 'we'll go there again' list.

We watched the race. I put on my yearly bet. And I bet on 2nd and 4th. And I did it in some way that I really didn't get much back. I don't know how. I'm not really meant to be a punter I don't think. That's fine by me. The kids watched the race, and Master 3 was rapt his horse came in second (being that he is 3 he goes for number 3….and the others the same… 4 and 5 respectively).

And I am actually looking forward to work tomorrow. Not for any reason other than this week is my first week working 3 days a week…. and it was a 2 day week… which I find absolutely hilarious.

Wonder if I'll be more tired having worked that extra day……hehe.

Having the kids all home is no picnic though….. but I got lots of cuddles so it made up for tantrums.

Oh and I finally killed my mower. Completely. I got it cleaned and managed to get it started, albeit with a bit of smoke.

I mowed a third of my lawn, filling the air with a very very thick cloud of white smoke, and regularly I would say out loud "please don't stop". Till the bastard ignored me and stopped. And then I couldn't even pull the cord anymore. And there is oil everywhere.


I'm so not made for manual labour.

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