Saturday, 1 February 2014


Master 3 is now in them.

Yesterday was the first day.

I was a little hesitant. It has been quite some time since I danced the toilet training ballet.

But Master 3 has been going to the loo each night for about a week, after taking his nappy off, so I figured I would give it a burl.

And I couldn't do it the easy way. Oh no, that would be TOO easy.

I chose a day when we had to go out. Well, we didn't HAVE to go out, but I had arranged to go out to catch up with my dear friend for a usually much needed caffeine fix.

And where we went was right near a park, so after coffee (and a gingerbread man for the kids) (and a visit to the toilet for everyone) we headed over to the park.

There were quite a few mums there with their little ones, everyone happily playing on the swings, or climbing the equipment up to the slide, or spinning madly on the spinny thing.

And then I heard it. From across the playground.

Master 3 was riding the bouncy horse thing.

"MUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!! I DID A WEE IN MY UNDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh. Cool.

And there were snickers from some of the other mums. A bit of a chuckle here and there.

And then I said "It's his first day in undies" and Oh. My. God. The change in these women was almost palpable.

They began cooing and adding their own child's story and how the first day was and how cute and all that jazz. Interesting hey? Still. It was a bit funny.

I was prepared. Sort of. I did have another pair of undies and shorts, so whipped his wet ones off (they weren't excessively wet though, just a bit) and put the new ones on.

And we had two successful visits to the toilet whilst playing.

And the rest of the day was astounding.

He went. So. Many. Times. Always in the toilet.

Massively proud. Massively.

Today, well, not so much. Not so much at all.

We stayed home. Maybe that was the problem?

Who knows.

All I can tell you is that when your child comes up to you while you are doing the dishes and hands you a pair of undies full of poo, the reaction you have is not one you could ever plan. It comes from the deep down inside part of you and you just don't know.

Me, I was trying not to vomit. Then I cleaned him up, put him on the loo, disposed of the evidence, and then realised. He had brought it to me. From somewhere. Oh. God.

So then began the reconnaissance mission. Thankfully very little damage was done, save for the damage to my health with the raising of my blood pressure and no doubt gaining of a thousand grey hairs.

But the day was not over. Oh no. No it was not.

It's always nice, particularly when you are cooking, to have your child come up and say "I did a wee" when you don't know from where they have come.

My first instinct was to say "Well done" though I didn't say it, because judging by the look on his face I didn't think that was the appropriate response. Turns out I was right.

As it happens, Master 3 had decided to jump up and down on his bed. Then stopped. Then weed. Everywhere. All over his bed.


So I put him on the toilet. Again. And then proceeded to strip the bed and put everything in the wash.

I lost count of the number of undies we went through today. Many were washed purely because it was "just a spot". Others a tad more.

But we're getting there. It's a slow road. Seemingly slower because, well, it isn't fun. And we all know that time flies when you have fun. The opposite is also true.

And yes, I have wine. And the air-conditioning is on.

And tomorrow is another day.

But my word I'm proud of my little man. Even though we have had a few (!) hiccups today, he's still trying and hasn't let it get him down.

He does rock.

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