Monday, 17 February 2014

Soup is not a meal.

It really isn't.

Unless it is a curry laksa, or a tom yum goong noodle soup. But that is the only time.

Every other time soup is an entree.

Why? Because it just isn't filling enough to have a tummy full of liquid.

Add garlic bread? Don't mind if I do. And then find myself feeling horrifically bloated from all the carbs. No thanks.

I had minestrone for lunch today.

Yes. I realise that that goes against what I just said.

But it was there. It had been there, at work, under my desk, since I started there in September. I figured I should probably eat it.

And that my friends is what has brought me to the conclusion that soup is not a meal. Because do you know what? I was still absolutely starving at the end of it. Starving. Not literally obviously. But pretty bloody hungry.

So I have decided that unless it is a curry laksa or a tom yum goong noodle soup I shall not be having soup for lunch. Ever again.

Big. Statement. And I know your lives will never be the same again.

Tomorrow Miss 5 is having a lunch order. You have never seen someone so excited. And she is getting, wait for it, FOUR things. Yes. You read correctly. Four things.

I usually let her get two things - a "lunch" thing and a "fun" thing.

Today, as we were looking over the list, me perched at the ready with my sharpie over the paper bag, Miss 5's eyes wider than a the mouth of a crocodile seeing a swimmer in his territory, Miss 5 decided that she wanted a party pie.

Now I know Miss 5. A party pie just ain't gonna cut it. So I said she could have two.

And unbelievably her eyes became even wider.

When she asked for a zooper dooper and I said yes I believe you could have parked a small car in her mouth.

When I asked her if she also wanted a chocolate milk I thought she was going to explode.

See the thing is when I let her get a lunch order I allow $4. Party pies are $1 each. Zooper doopers are 50 cents. Chocolate milk is $1.50. There you go. $4.

But if she orders, for example, mac n cheese, there is $3 gone straight up.

It's all. About. Choices.

Teach em young I say.

So anyway, Miss 5 was that excited about her lunch order that it went in and out of her bag a good dozen times as she looked at it and talked to it and no I'm not a scrooge and she has actually had one before. She's just a special little creature.

Master 3 is getting much better at daycare drop off time. I put the credit on two things. 1. Stickers. Ample use thereof as a reward. Daycare folks adopt the same thing. I love it. 2. Distraction. The lass in his daycare room is a master. An absolute. Master. Amazing. And he doesn't even realise it's happening. Gold.

Miss 4 is pretty good. She goes through a mock shy phase and then off she goes.

It's funny you know. I was going to stay home with the kids until they started school.

Things changed. I ended up back in the workforce long before I ever intended, or wanted.

But do you know what? Tis the best thing that has ever happened. For both me and the kids.

Because I started to realise that I was in a bit of a rut staying home with the kids, doing only kid stuff. I loved being back at work. I also loved being able to finish a cup of coffee while it was hot. And it was also kinda good bringing home some money.

And the kids were doing things. Making things. Making friends and socialising. And getting used to being around others, and doing really well.

And now there is no way I would change our situation. I have gone from working a few days a week to, starting this week, working four days a week.

I have grand plans. Grand plans indeed.

They involve paying off numerous debts (boring, but necessary). After that, the world is my oyster. I aim to get us a house. A bedroom each for the kids. Some space to knock around. 2 bathrooms. 2 living areas. That. That is my goal. And I'll get there.

And if I hadn't ended up back in the workforce when I did, that goal would not even have entered my mind because I would have thought it a physical impossibility. In fact I did think it an impossibility until I did the accidental budget (for five years' worth…. the first year is still pretty bloody depressing!)

And so there you go. Where I am now is where it is to be.

The kids are happy. They are thriving. We don't have as much time together, but the time we do have together (save the odd completely lazy let's do absolutely nothing day) is spent far better and more wisely simply due to the fact that there ARE less of those days.

And that is the thing. Our situation would not be right for everyone. As someone else's situation would not be right for me and my three.

You need to find the right thing for you. You can watch others and think they have the bees knees until you are blue in the face, but you could be in the exact same situation as them and realise that you are miserable.

Because everyone is different. Every family is different.

And guess what? You know your family best. Listen to them. Watch them. Encourage them. Love them.

And things will work out. And you will be happy.

You may not have bacon (as I, currently, do not) but you will still be happy. And you will add bacon to the shopping list.

There endeth the lesson.

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