are never fun.
That moment when your 5 year old yells out from the toilet "Muuuuuuuuuum…. I think you should take a look at this….." you think it is either going to be something incredibly disgusting, or something that you really don't want to see.
Thankfully disgusting it was not, save for the fact that the level of the water after Miss 5 had flushed was approximately equal to the level of the seat.
Not. Ideal.
So I did the sane thing. I hoped it would go away. I got out the plunger, plunged, realised the plunger was not actually intended for that purpose, and went back to hoping.
Fast forward a few hours and yeah. Nah. Not happening.
So I phoned the real estate agent.
RE: "How are you?"
Me: "Good, thanks."
RE: "What can I do for you?"
Me: "I think I'm going to need a plumber….."
RE: "Oh no, why?"
Me: "Well, after you flush the toilet the water just keeps getting higher……"
Me: "Um, yes. Ew. And, well, I just don't want it to overflow."
RE: "No probs, we're on it."
And on it they were. Within an hour I got a call from the plumber, and less than a half hour later he was there. At my house, evaluating the toilet.
And then it struck.
Immense. Fear.
What if the cause of the blockage in the toilet was Master 3's missing Thomas the Tank Engine?
I don't think I have ever prayed quite so hard as I did right then.. because if it was found to be "our" fault, then pay we would, and pay we cannot afford to do.
So pray I did.
And, well, wouldn't you know it, tree roots. Thank. God. For. That.
And it wasn't a simple task.
The toilet had to be completely removed.
And there it sat, in the back yard, alone. And out popped Miss 5.
"The toilet. It's outside. Well, um, well (*adjust for shaky voice about to cry sound*) how are we going to wee in it if it's out there??"
Ah precious.
Explaining to her that the man was going to put the toilet back where he found it was interesting.
So after a few hours the job was done. Tree roots cleared. Toilet put back. Dog allowed to stop his barking after a marathon effort of protecting us vocally from the invader to our house.
We were all at home today. Why? Because. Because children get sick. Often.
And yesterday we spent three hours at the doctors to diagnose an ear infection and two throat infections. And no, that was not all in one sitting. Which is why it was a tad more frustrating than it could have been.
And no last night was not a fabulous night.
And no I do not wish to talk about it.
Let's just say the toilet is fixed, the kids are on antibiotics and I have wine.
Enough. Said.
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