Seriously. You wouldn't.
So last time we 'spoke' I had seen the Thermomix. And Satan's little spider.
Well, since that time, most importantly, I have tweaked the accidental budget and Thermomix shall be in my home by my birthday in September. And my god I am excited by that thought.
So last Friday night I stayed up. Far too late. But, well, I could sleep in. And sleep in I did. It was epic. Until nearly midday.
And then I popped into town to the Casino and caught up with a gorgeous friend who I haven't seen since my days up in FNQ (Far North Queensland for those playing at home, so I really shouldn't have written the shortened version, because this has actually ended up far longer….live and learn I guess….).
And then after that I popped over to a very good friend's house and was fortunate enough to witness her dog try to make his way through the window into the lounge room. And yes I took a photo. And my sandals made a baby crawl. For the first time. Sandals rock. Of that there is no doubt.
And then off to another dear friend's house for some drinks and chats and, wait for it, board games.
Interject into my own space here - I have some amazing friends and could quite well be the luckiest little chickadee on this fair planet.
Back to it. We had some drinks. And some chips. And some dips (fabulous!). And some laughs.
And the board game. Oh, the board game.
I do believe it was called Tipayatung or something similar. I'll give you a brief guide. You have a little piece you use to move around the board. There are various categories - film, quotes etc, and when you land on a square you have to answer the relevant category, read by one of your board game mates.
It would be something like "To err is human, to forgive ________"
Or "Where there's a will, there's ________"
So you get the gist.
Well, late at night, the first few questions are easy. Of course they are. They plan it that way.
And then it gets hard. And then you get silly. And then when you don't know the answer you just answer the last answer.
And you get "A barking dog gathers no moss."
And you start singing "Like a rolling stone" complete with Bob Dylan accent.
So that was another great night.
Early morning return of mini folks resulted in a bazillion hugs and cuddles and it was great to see my babies after their 40 hour stay away.
Sunday was pseudo BBQ day. Back at the house of the board game fame. All the kids just get along so well. It is fabulous. We, as adults, really don't have to do anything. Save for the odd application of frozen peas when an overenthusiastic 3 year old hits a wall. Literally.
So another fabulous day spent. The exit was probably a little more dramatic than I would have liked, and many a tear was shed (by the kids, not me. This time). But we got home. And they eventually went to bed.
And a fabulous weekend was had. By all.
And then Monday came. Monday. Bloody. Monday. No wait. It's Sunday in the song. Well I'm changing it. Because Monday. Bloody. Monday.
Woke up feeling a bit dodgy. Dropped kids off, went to work. Dodginess increased.
Long story short, my trip to the chemist to get some Nurofen to help the pain ended up with me at my GP and him calling an ambulance. So yes, I had the bells and whistles ride to the hospital and ended up spending a night in the coronary care unit.
Chest pain. Pretty full on.
And I did the stress test on the Monday, all is ok, ticker working fine, but I do still feel as though I have been either electrocuted or involved in a very bad car accident.
So please excuse my absence this week. I've been doing the grown up thing and looking after myself and having a bit of a relax.
But I'm getting back on that ole horse now. So you can't get rid of me that easily!!!!
And my parting note is to say that my children were possessed today. Head spinning, projectile vomiting, Linda Blair image-inducing possessed.
And I took them to assembly at Miss 5's school. And vowed never to take them again.
I will though. I do. Every week. But holy crap today sucked.
But that is a story for another day because this little black duck is about worded out.
Good to be back :) Missed you…...
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