Sunday, 30 March 2014

2 years.

It's a long time.

Or a heartbeat.

2 years. That is how long it has been just me and the three. As of yesterday.

2 years can fly. 2 years can drag. 2 years can yield so much. Or so little.

No matter what happens, at the end of 2 years, 2 years will have passed. It is entirely up to you what you do with that period of time.

You could sit, melancholy, depressed, sad, for the entire time. At the end of it, 2 years will have passed.

You could revel in every moment, joyously, and experience things you never thought possible. And 2 years will have passed.

You have control. Not over everything. But over some things. Over many things.

You just need to realise that.

2 years ago I thought that life as I knew it was crashing down around me. It was.

But the funny thing is this.

Today. 2 years later. I have never been happier. My children have never been happier. We are doing well. Things are, in the grand scheme, as they should be.

Other aspects we are working on. But there is only so much you can do where others are involved. You can't control the behaviour of others. You can be disappointed in it. You can be surprised by it. But you can't control it. All you can control is your reaction to it.

I have become rather philosophical these last few years. And I don't think that that is altogether a bad thing.

One thing is for sure though. I am quite possibly the luckiest person in the world to have three beautiful, healthy children who I adore, and who adore me.

Incredibly lucky.

And as I check on them while they are sleeping I stroke their heads and whisper that I love them.

They are my world.

My three.

Tis me. And the three. Forevermore.


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