Wednesday, 26 March 2014

I wasn't prepared

when I picked up Miss 5 from after school care yesterday.

And why should I have been? I had no warning. None whatsoever.

Yet when I picked her up there it was. Clear as day. She had lost her front tooth.

I cannot even begin to describe my reaction. I was just so excited for her. And I could see she was excited too. Which made me even more excited.

This is a massive moment in a child's life. Massive. And mum's. Obviously.

It wasn't even wobbly in the morning. Well, it wasn't the most stable of teeth. Miss 5's jaw has been steadily expanding for months such that she now has a rather sizeable gap between one of her front teeth and the tooth beside it. Which is of course fabulous because it means her jaw is making room. But still. It wasn't wobbly wobbly. Just not stable.

So I was not prepared.

And here is what I say to all parents. Make sure that at ALL times you have a $2 coin in the cupboard. Because you never know when a tooth is going to fall out.

And guess what? I did. Because the second tooth that fell out (a week after the first) I was not prepared for. And spent much of the evening ripping the house apart trying to find a $2 coin. As I recall. One was found. But still. Nobody needs that sort of stress.

She looks so cute. Absolutely adorable. But so much older now.

And it made me think. The things that kids adore are the things that would mortify adults.

Kids have a tooth fall out and they are rapt. Adults have a tooth fall out and they don't want to go out in public.

Kids have a cold and they quite gladly share stories, and tissue viewings, of how much snot they are removing from their noses on a regular basis. Adults just want to curl up in a ball away from everyone in the entire world.

Drop-off today didn't go brilliantly for the mini ones. Sometimes that happens. And I hate it. I hate the last thing I see being my little ones crying or upset. Breaks my heart.

And then when I go to pick them up, Master 3 runs to me with force and throws himself at me. Miss 4, well, that depends upon how she feels. Often times I will be met with a great big hug. Other times, such as today, she will look at me, say "noooo" and I'll know that we have a most interesting evening ahead.

Ugh. 4 years old can truly suck. Just so you know.

They say terrible 2s are bad.

Yeah. Nah.

I'll trade you a 2 for a 3. Then raise you a 4.

So we're in the car about to head home and Master 3 pipes up. "Seth threw bark all over me today."

"Did he baby? Oh no."

"Yes, he did."

"Did you tell the teacher?"


"How come?"

"Well, we were busy."

Okey doke.

Work went well. I adore the coffee shop next door and could quite happily continue drinking coffee in there all day long. Today was a bit of a strange one though. Inadvertently bumped into someone with whom I used to work. Fabulous! What a brilliant coincidence. First, that she was at the store next to my work, and secondly that I happened to go in there just at the time she was also there!

So a future catchup is on the cards.

Right now I'm doing an experiment. Yes. I know. It is 9.15pm.

But it is a good one. And the house smells fabulous.

I'm cooking bacon in the oven. I stumbled across this "perfect" way to cook bacon and of course had to try it. It has, according to perfect recipe, 3 minutes left.

I haven't touched it. I haven't opened the door. I haven't turned it.

I cannot believe I am going to have to wait for it to cool down before eating it though.

And yes, I know, dodgy late night snack. Sue me. There was bacon in the fridge. Google made me find that bacon recipe. I don't care. I love it. (did you sing just then?? I did…..)

Ok 2 minutes and counting. I'm sorry but I have to go. I have to prepare…..

Oh please let this be as good as it smells…….


  1. Replies
    1. Let's be honest, it is very rare to get bad bacon… 2 pieces were sensational, the rest was actually disappointing. Still good. But not as good as the 2 amazing pieces. I'm sure there is a knack to it. I'll just have to keep trying…..
