Thursday, 18 September 2014

You would be forgiven

for thinking I was murdering someone this evening. Or at the very least torturing them to within an inch of their life.


Because he is 3. And I asked him to get out of the bath.

He did not get out of the bath.

I asked him again.

He did not get out of the bath.

And I gave him three……two……one……

And took him out of the bath.

What ensued could be likened to the demonic possession scenes in the Exorcist, minus the projectile vomiting (that was the other day).

At one point I thought his little jugular vein might just explode.

At least he isn't shy about expressing his opinions. Loudly. Incredibly loudly.

The neighbours must think we are feral. Seriously. The tantrums, and the sheer power behind each of my darling child's screams, well, they would shake the most stoic ones, right to the core.

He would have been a rocking town crier.

Anyway, eventually, after what seemed like hours, he did stop. And I put him to bed. And did the standard "Night night, love you, sweet dreams" that I do every night, even on those nights where I am pushed to my very limits… so sometimes the tone may not be exactly "gentle" but still.

Tonight I went back in. I had to. I explained to my nearly 4 year old that I truly hate getting cross at him. I want to cuddle him and laugh with him and give him butterfly kisses on his cheek and listen to him laugh. I don't want to yell at him, and I don't want to say the same things over and over again.

And I suggested that next time, rather than chucking a massive wobbly, perhaps he could try talking to me about what was upsetting him.

I really don't know if he understood what I was saying, but it sure as hell made me feel better anyway.

It isn't wrong that I took a photo of him mid tantrum is it? Reason my child is crying….. I got him out of the bath.

Yep. Kids.

They do say some funny things. And you find yourself saying funny things too.

The other night we were eating dinner, and Master 3 lifted up his cup to the girls and promptly clinked it with Miss 6's glass, declaring loudly "CHEESE!"


"Cheers little man, cheers. Not cheese."

Massive grins, massive giggles, and prompt declaration of "CHEEEEEEEERS!"

I'll leave you with a "thing you never thought you would hear yourself say"….

You don't need goggles for bed.


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