Tuesday, 1 July 2014

What's your favourite number?

I found myself posing this question to the mini ones this evening as we drove away from our third milk bar visit for the evening.

No, we don't adore milk bars, but I was searching for something. Something that you would think would be rather easy to find but, as it turns out, in my particular suburb appears not to be.

Today was Miss 4's transition to being Miss 5. Her birthday.

The day started with her, as per usual, in my bed, terribly comfortable and taking up the majority of the space.

I was quite proud of the fact that I was able to stall her sufficiently to achieve breakfast for all, and all kids dressed before the presents were brought out. She opened them gleefully, was rapt with the contents, and then excited to leave them at home, knowing she was coming back to them, in order to go to "school" and take with her the 27 loot bags I had stayed up a fair thwack of last night putting together.

The things we do.

Anyway, the milk bar. Why milk bars?

Well I asked Miss 5 what she wanted for dinner, half expecting her to say McDonalds, which I was fully prepared for, and willing to provide. I'm not a huge fan, but I know the kids are, and it was Miss 5's birthday and she got to choose.

I'll recap for you. For her 4th birthday she chose to go to the Grand Hyatt for brunch.

Any ideas what she wanted for her 5th birthday?

Anything? Anyone?

I was surprised. I will tell you that much.

The request for dinner? A jam sandwich.


A. Jam. Sandwich.

So I went in search of some nice bread that I could whip in and grab without having to wrangle three children through a supermarket.

Milk bar #1. "We don't sell bread." Wow. A milk bar that doesn't sell bread. What is the world coming to?

Milk bar #2. Granted it wasn't their fault. I couldn't get my car into the parking spot. I kinda got halfway before being nearly cleaned up by a bus and figured that was quite possibly a sign so off I went in search of Milk bar #3.

Milk bar #3. Fresh and amazingly soft bread. Score.

So back to what I was saying. What's your favourite number was asked as we were leaving Milk bar #3, as the natives were becoming restless and to be honest I just wanted to distract them.

"10!" screamed Master 3.

"Wow that's a great number" I replied.

"Miss 6, what's YOUR favourite number?"




"Ok then….. So, birthday girl, what's YOUR favourite number?"


Fair enough too.

And then Miss 6 took it a little further.

"Do you know which number is my least favourite?? Miss birthday girl, what is YOUR least favourite number? Mine is a trillion."

"A trillion?" I queried.

"Yes, a trillion."

"Ok, so why don't you like a trillion?"

"Because, it's a trillion. How much is a trillion?"

"It's a lot."

Miss 5 decided to put in her 2 cents' worth.

"You know, infinity is the last number."

I had to say something. "Well, technically infinity is not actually a number." Oh god. What am I doing? What am I doing?? WHAT. AM. I. DOING?????

"Yes it is."

"No baby, it isn't."

"What do you mean infinity isn't a number?"

What followed is an example of how the time space continuum can be rattled and shaken to within an inch of its life whilst arguing complex theories of relativity and space and physics and chemistry. In other words, picture a 40 year old woman trying to explain the concept of infinity to a 6, 5 and 3 year old.

I think I got through to Master 3.

"To infinity, and BEYOND!"

"Infinity is my favourite number."

"It isn't a number."

"Yes it is."

"To infinity, and BEYOND!" Master 3. Again.

"To infinity, and BEYOND!" Miss 5.

"STOP. SAYING. THAT." Master 3.

"She only said it once baby."

Ugh. What did I do that for?

So we did finally make it home. Miss 5 had her much wanted jam sandwich, as did Miss 6, and Master 3 had Mi Goreng noodles. Because he didn't want a sandwich. And to be honest, of late, I know which battles to pick with him.

Time got away from us as I heard the theme to Spicks and Specks in the background. Channel 22 had been put on as we arrived home, but little watched as the Barbie lego took front and centre for Miss 5, Miss 6 was of course watching on, and Master 3 was fighting with the mess of Mi Goreng noodles surrounding him. Spicks and Specks follows the children's programming of the day.

I adore Spicks and Specks. Adore it. The kids don't mind a bit of Spicks and Specks action either.

But what was most adorable tonight was Miss 5 talking to Master 3 about it.

"Adam Hills. That's the man's name." she said to Master 3.

"Adam Heels?" he replied.

"No, Adam HILLS. Like *sung* Five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. HILLS. Like those hills."

Such an amazing little chickadee.

Happy birthday my wonderful little darling. Love you times infinity…. and beyond…..

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