Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
Before I had children I swore there were a million different things I would never do. Bribery was one of them.
I would like to add at this point that bribery has saved me from institutionalisation. On many an occasion. And do you know what? I don't care. If it works, I'm using it.
That's the thing. Before you have kids you just don't know.
You don't know that the hard part of the day won't be getting Miss 4 to brush her teeth. It will be getting her to agree to wear leggings instead of shorts. On a 14 degree day.
You don't know that the hard part of dinner won't be getting your child to eat. It will be getting them to stop. Granted this is not the same for everyone. I am blessed with good eaters. Who cost me an absolute fortune in (thankfully mainly healthy) food.
Anyway, I could go on. I won't.
So it's Easter. Aside from the true meaning behind Easter, about which people speak very little, the chocolate egg side of things is not really my kind of thing. I don't eat chocolate and I really don't like sweets. But the kids do. And they do. And they are just about busting apart with excitement at what the Easter bunny might bring.
I had the last few nights without them. Thursday night a very dear friend with whom I used to work came over from England for a visit. Well, she didn't just come to see me, but she came to Australia and we made a point of catching up. And catch up we did. In stupendous style. Aboard the Colonial Tramcar Restaurant.
Now I had heard mixed reviews, I must admit. But I tell you this. Having experienced this for myself, I would recommend it to absolutely anyone. Aside from the fact that the ambience is fabulous, the food was amazing, the staff were truly entertaining, and the wine flowed freely. Toss in fabulous company and there is really no better way to spend an evening.
Following on from that we ran (well, ambled at a less than ambling pace) over to Crown. The entertainment destination. Predominantly because we had had many glasses of wine and there are things one must do.
That aside, we had a fabulous time at Crown. This however was largely in part due to my gorgeous friend and her friend, who also came along for the evening. I had never met her before but by a very short time in to the proceedings it was as though we'd known each other for ages. It was just one of those nights. Easy. Fabulous. Fun. And I was home in bed by 12.30am with a massive smile on my face, knowing that whilst I had had an enormously fabulous night, I could also sleep in.
So at 7.05am I woke up. Because that's what you do when you can sleep in.
Ah well. I did manage to lie in bed happy about the fact that I could lie in bed. I didn't sleep though. But I didn't get up. I think that is a fairly important point to make.
I spent the majority of yesterday cleaning. As you do when you have kid-free time.
Last night was the clincher though. I had a kid-free night, again, and what did I do?
Have a guess.
Yes. I spent four hours watching videos and looking at photos of my babies as they were growing up.
My kid-free night was spent marvelling at the wonder that is my children. And it made me appreciate them all the more. I was drawn back to those times. The time Miss 5 was 8 months old and dancing to the music shows on the tv, or crab walking on the front lawn, or learning how to growl like a lion.
Drawn back to Miss 4 who did a striking impersonation of Winston Churchill when she was 6 months old. Or watching her cute little face as she mock shyly danced with her sister.
Watching the interaction between the three growing up is amazing.
They are amazing.
I am just so lucky.
Yes, they can be bloody hard work, and are regularly so.
But my god they are worth it.
And tonight they have all gone to bed, after many hugs and kisses, and the Easter Bunny may just have bounced his way into the house, put some eggs into their various little baskets and bags, eaten a carrot and a leaf of lettuce, and hidden 60 odd mini eggs around the house before bouncing in to see each child then bouncing off to the next household.
And whilst he has left a note on the table for the three, telling them the eggs he has hidden are "colour coded" (so as to ensure there is an even split), mum has also written a note which is blue tacked to the lounge room door.
WAKE MUM FIRST!!!!! :) <3
Tomorrow, on Easter Sunday, may you eat, drink and be merry.
Love your loved ones.
Forgive the family squabbles that will no doubt happen.
Cherish the moments, embrace the spirit, and be happy.
And don't forget to drive safely.
Happy Easter one and all.
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