Monday, 27 October 2014

It doesn't take long

for things to change.

Since I last graced the blogosphere Master 3 is now Master 4.

Miss 5 has had her first prep orientation session.

And Miss 6 has had her first prima donna epic meltdown.

I had fully intended to return to this little forum, however being that I got myself 'out of the habit' I simply did not take it up.

A brief rundown of life as it stands.

My work is insanely busy, but I am loving it.

Miss 6 is coming to the end of her grade 1 year and is developing more and more of a personality, as the 3 all are, and is becoming over so much more dramatic. But not for no gain. She wants to be on television. Yes. She does. And takes great pleasure in "performing" for anyone who will sit still long enough to listen. Adorable.

Miss 5 is more ready for school than any child I have ever seen. Today she had her first orientation session. Yes. Just today. The day after epic storms saw me outside at 2am consoling our puppy (who is incidentally enormous, but still a puppy nonetheless) and also the day on which Master 4 decided that he could turn off the alarm himself, and didn't need to bother me with it.

At the orientation Miss 5 was in her element. She loved it. And coming home she said "they asked me heaps of questions and I answered them all". I, being interested, asked "what did they ask you?"

I wasn't prepared for the answer.

"They asked me if I knew what magnificent meant."

O. K.

I waited.

"So what did you say baby?"

"I said magnificent means something amazing."

And isn't she magnificent. My baby darling Miss 5.

Master 4 gave himself a blood nose last night. How? He took a hot wheels car to bed. Played with it just a little too vigorously. Dropped said car on his nose and next thing bring on the bloodworms. Fabulous. He was fine. Just a bit bloody.

Anyway, this is me saying I'm not dead. I'm very much alive. And I think I'm just about back in the mindset to come back.

I'll tell you a bit more in the days and weeks to come. For now though, hi again. I've missed you.

And I'm back :)